ANTE UP (7-Stud Club Book 3) Read online

Page 17

  God, he was great with giving this guy counsel he should be taking himself, wasn’t he? Oh, irony.

  “She can’t know,” Brad said, shaking his head. “And you have to keep it from her too.”

  I’d never lie to you, Willow. Cooper’s own words, spoken in the sweet heat of the night, echoed in his head.

  “She can’t know,” the ex repeated.

  “Right,” Cooper muttered. “I won’t say a word.”

  But he couldn’t deny the sinking feeling in his stomach. Brad’s secret shouldn’t have anything to do with him, but his instincts all said this new knowledge portended disaster.

  I’d never lie to you, Willow.

  Already Cooper was letting her down.

  On a sigh, he turned toward his condo, each step heavy. He’d never figured he was cut out for this love thing anyway.

  Chapter Twelve

  Willow climbed into Sophie’s car. “I’m so glad you said yes to another afternoon at the lake,” the other woman exclaimed.

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” She cleared her throat. “I want to check the remodel plans against the actual cabin before the meeting with the architect.”

  “What?” Sophie made a face. “We’re going to the lake to have fun.”

  “We will.” Guilt gave Willow a sharp poke. Yes, she’d promised a few lazy hours with her new friend, but not only was she intending to do a quick walkthrough of the house with her sketches in hand, she also planned on a sneak attack-encounter with the blonde’s big brother.

  In a text, Cooper had communicated he was committed to finishing the garage clear out and reorganization that day. The garage at the lake house.

  Since his poker game three nights ago, they’d been in contact, but only via text and quick phone calls. He’d sounded warm, and there’d been real regret in his voice when he shared that because evenings at Fun & Games had been swamped and one employee was out sick, he’d been needed to cover some shifts.

  And he’d also sounded sincere when he promised they’d get together again soon.

  But she wasn’t going to wait to see him any longer. With Brad, she’d been all quiet patience and passive deference to his wishes, but that wasn’t how she wanted to proceed now. No longer would she let things stagnate between herself and a man. This time, she was going to find out exactly where she stood and what Cooper expected of their relationship. She grimaced. If he thought they were, indeed, building a relationship at all.

  But that warmth in his voice, those texts that clearly stated he missed her “morning smile”…she thought she didn’t have it wrong.

  “Do you know if Cooper is already at the lake?” she asked Sophie. He’d said he intended to head out in the morning, but maybe his plans had changed and this trip was a fail before it started.

  “I heard from him before we left. He’s there, hard at work,” Sophie said, then sent her a sidelong look. “What’s exactly going on between you and my brother, anyway? And don’t say nothing. I saw the caveman drag you into his bedroom on poker night.”

  She fought a squirm, remembering the kiss that had managed to be both possessive and knee-melting sweet.


  “How come I’ve never heard you talk about a man you’re interested in?’ she asked Sophie, hoping to turn the tables.

  The other woman sent her an arch glance. “Maybe I’m interested in girls.”

  “How come I’ve never heard you talk about a woman you’re interested in?” Willow replied, obliging.

  Sophie laughed. “The truth is, I do like guys. But I’m off them at the moment.” Her shoulders slumped. “Romance and I don’t have a good track record.”

  “Oh.” Her friend’s clear dejection tugged at Willow’s heart. “Can’t you get Cooper to beat him up?”


  “The one you’re pining for.” It was obvious.

  Shaking her head, Sophie sent her another quick look. “No. And he doesn’t deserve to be hurt by Cooper. My unrequited crush doesn’t need to be yet another burden on him.”

  That sounded interesting. But they were new friends and Willow figured Sophie would share in her own time. “You have to know I’m dying of curiosity, but I won’t push you for anything you don’t want to tell me.”

  “For that you get a reward,” Sophie said.


  “I’ve never seen a look on my brother’s face like the look he wore when you walked into his condo on poker night.”

  Willow felt a blush burning her face. “He’s had plenty of women walk into his condo.”

  “Just sayin’,” Sophie said. “You’ve knocked him on his butt.”

  Pleased by the idea, Willow mulled it over during the last half of the drive to the lake house. Did a “knocked on his butt” Cooper give her the upper hand? She liked the idea of being the one in control. Though she wasn’t interested in flinging herself into the deep end over someone like Cooper who wasn’t interested in that himself, she didn’t think what they had together was entirely played out.

  Truth was, she liked the man and furthermore she was terribly, terribly attracted to him. Couldn’t a woman pursue a connection for the physical benefits without making it any more profound than that?

  Of course she could!

  And if Cooper had the same inclination—she’d find out today his exact opinion on the subject—then she planned on being clear that she was open to and in favor of a continued…recreational affiliation.

  Fun and games.

  Now to only find a tasteful way to communicate that before her hormones took over and she jumped his bones.

  That good intention was nearly compromised when she and Sophie entered the lake house, their arms full of baskets and bags. Willow had just let hers slide onto the kitchen table when Cooper came bursting through the back door, wearing nothing but a pair of low-slung board shorts and a new golden tan. She stared, desire slamming into her. Her mouth moved, no sound came out.

  Her tongue thought tasting him all over was a great idea.

  He didn’t seem to read that on her face, or at least it didn’t break his stride. Reaching her, he grabbed her hand. “I need you,” he said, yanking her in the direction he’d come.

  This sounded promising.

  She jogged to keep up with him, managing to step out of her rubber sandals and take the steps toward the lake barefoot. Ahead was the long dock and the medium-sized pleasure boat bobbing in the slip beneath the striped awning.

  Cooper paused on the beach, and she dug her toes into the cool, sandy surface. “Uh oh,” he said under his breath.

  Willow took advantage of his distraction to take another eyeful of his mostly naked body. Just peeking from the back waistband of his trunks she spied part of a tattoo. The rays of a stylized sun, she decided, and barely stopped herself from reaching out to touch it.


  Her gaze jumped up and she met his eyes. “Um, yeah?”

  “I didn’t say hello, did I?” he said, his voice softening. His head drew nearer. “Or give you a kiss?”

  She primmed the mouth that was already tingling in anticipation. “No, you did not.”

  He chuckled, the sound finding its way beneath her gauzy beach cover-up to tickle her spine, also mostly naked except for the fabric of her demure two-piece bathing suit. “Can I make it up to you?”

  Her tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip. He didn’t look away from it. “Have at it.”

  “Then, ‘hi,’” he said, the smile warming his gaze as he leaned even closer. “And—”

  A wet, stinging slap smacked her straight in the face. Willow lurched back, blinking away water.

  Cooper roared. “You little…” He turned toward the dock, and raced its length after two small figures who were shrieking with laughter, each clutching a full, wobbly balloon.

  Shreds of another were littered at Willow’s feet.

  Her startled brain finally caught on as a battle ensued nearby, feet pounding on the dock
, bright orbs being pitched back and forth. Ah. Water balloon fight.

  The man popped up from behind a dock box and heaved one over the boat. “You two were supposed to wait until our pre-arranged signal. I was getting another recruit.”

  “We were tired of waiting.” An urchin in hot pink took her own shot, which landed woefully short.

  Cooper came closer, holding out his arms, presenting the wide—and enticing—target of his chest. “I got another girl for your team, LeeLee. And you’re going to need her with your bad aim.”

  Hot Pink launched another balloon. Cooper sidestepped just in time to take it in the shoulder. “Good shot,” he said, with a pretend grimace. “But you need to say sorry for the one that hit the lady I enlisted for your side.”

  The little girl glanced back. “Emmy, that was you.”

  A second urchin, an inch or so shorter than the first, emerged from inside the boat. She must have crept close while Willow and Cooper were otherwise focused. She couldn’t possibly have an arm that good.

  But then she pulled back her skinny right one and shot a water balloon at Cooper, this time hitting him square in the face. “Sorry,” she said, executing a wild touchdown dance. “I meant to hit Cooper Pooper.”

  More growling ensued. And running and shrieking, and finally he had a girl under each arm, their feet dangling, and he brought them along the dock to the beach, depositing them in front of Willow. “Meet LeeAnn and Emmy. Girls, this is Willow.”

  They were flushed with exertion and grinning, showing mouths with gaps and a combination of adult and baby teeth. “Pleased to meet you, ladies,” Willow said.

  Cooper rolled his eyes. “These are not ‘ladies.’”

  “We’re monkeys!” crowed LeeAnn, and the next minute they were clambering up his body like he was a piece of playground equipment. One ended up on his shoulders while the other he held upside down by her ankle.

  “These are the McDonald twins,” he said to Willow. “They were supposed to be helping me in the garage while I watch them for their mom, but they found the water balloons, and the rest is—”

  “You lose!” the dangler yelled.

  He loosened his hold on her leg, though Willow saw that he made sure her landing was soft. “LeeLee, you’re going to wish you hadn’t said that. Those are fighting words.” Then he lifted Emmy off his shoulders. “It’s war now, monkeys.”

  His glance went to Willow. “You willing to take me on?” He raised an eyebrow.

  She raised one back. “Are you talking three against one?”

  “You’ll still be a trio of little girls crying on one another’s shoulders when I’m done,” he boasted.

  Her gaze went to her potential teammates, assessing. “I say,” she finally declared. “Let’s get him!”

  Nobody actually weeped, though they were all plenty wet when the four five-gallon buckets were empty of the balloons they’d filled prior to Willow’s arrival. Battle over, the combatants faced off at one end of the dock and Cooper strode forward, hand outstretched. “I call it a draw, okay?”

  LeeAnn looked tuckered out. “I guess s—”

  Before the last word was finished, he’d grabbed her up and tossed her over his shoulder into the lake. As Willow gasped, he turned to the other little girl and tossed her too. Each landed with a shriek and a splash.

  “Oh my God,” Willow cried, rushing to the edge of the dock. “Can they swim?”

  “They’re on a team. Fishes as well as monkeys,” he said, watching as they struck toward shore. Even now they were already standing in the shallow water, submerged to their knees, giggling with little-girl hilarity.

  Smiling now, Willow glanced back at him. The intent on his face made her freeze.

  “No,” she said, edging away, holding out one hand.

  “You can’t deny me my fun,” he said, glee lighting his eyes.

  She didn’t want to deny him his fun. She didn’t want to deny him anything. Watching him interact with the small girls, well, that had been amusing and…and…

  Damn it. It had brought up all the old longing, that future she’d been designing in her mind her entire life. Mom, dad, kids. Family.

  The dream she’d told herself she’d let go of when she’d let go of Brad’s ring.

  But now…

  It was too soon for that dream to rise again!

  Starring Cooper Daggett in one of the leading roles.

  She was pathetic.

  He advanced.

  She retreated.

  He was gorgeous.

  Her heart was beating like a drum in her chest, fear and warning sounding so loud in her ears that she couldn’t hear what he was saying but could read it on his smiling lips and curling fingers.

  Come to Papa.

  Silly man.

  Man who wasn’t looking for a romantic partner and future family like she couldn’t pretend any longer she didn’t still hold as her heart’s desire.

  Man with whom she was supposed to only want a recreational affiliation.

  His cool hands reached out and grasped her shoulders. Her body swayed toward his, even as her mind tried staying strong.

  You’ve only known him a short time.

  You were someone else’s fiancée practically yesterday.

  This is a big mistake.

  The good sense-talk didn’t prevent him from wrapping his body around hers and then taking them both in.


  They came up for air, his arms still around her. He was tall enough to stand here actually, so he held her above the water line, his laughing eyes looking into hers. The sunshine on the droplets on his hair and skin dazzled her.

  “Hey,” he said, then his smile died. “I haven’t seen you in a couple of days.”


  “I haven’t kissed you.” He frowned. “I missed kissing you.”


  His head tilted. “Why have I been avoiding you? And avoided kissing you?”

  That didn’t sound promising. She shrugged, and wished the water would do a better job at cooling her ardor for him.

  Ardor, such an old-fashioned word. How she saw Cooper now, what she wanted from him was just that. Old-fashioned. Conventional. Not shallow. Not mere fun and games.

  She wanted so much more.

  “I think I was afraid you weren’t real,” he said. “That this wasn’t real.” His arms tightened on her.

  Her hands met at the back of his neck, their wet bodies rubbed together.

  Groaning, Cooper slid a hand down her back and urged her legs to circle his hips. “I put off seeing you a couple of days just in case I’d merely imagined how good this was.”

  She swallowed. “I’m flesh and blood.” Soul. Heart.

  God. God. And she’d given that to him.

  She’d fallen in love with Cooper Daggett. The kind of love that put her feelings for Brad in instant perspective. He’d been her good friend. The knight of her childhood.

  But this man…he was her lover. The adult, passionate lover that made her skin tingle and her pulse trip.

  His forehead met hers. “I don’t want to screw this up, Willow. Spoil things between you and me. For however long it may last.”

  For however long it may last. Or short, he meant. She pasted on a brave smile. Still wanting him. Still loving him. Hoping she could take whatever he had to give and walk on with dignity when it was over.

  “I don’t want to spoil things either,” she answered. But falling in love with him probably made that an impossibility. Keeping quiet about it was her only hope.

  At Fun & Games, Willow’s almost-mom, Rachel, took a sip of beer. Her chair legs scraped as she pulled herself nearer the small table so another patron could pass behind her. It was happy hour, and the crowd was just beginning to gather. “You seem in a good mood,” she said to Willow, with an assessing glance.

  “Oh?” she asked, trying for innocence.

  “And all gussied up, too. Is that a new dress?”

sp; “This old thing?” Then Willow laughed, dropping the pretense. The garment was daffodil yellow with flirty ruffles at the hem. She wore it with new sandals, straps all around and a multi-colored stacked heel. While she always liked to dress with style, her usual look was understated. Instead, this outfit said Look at me, or more specifically, Cooper, look at me. I dressed to please you. “I’ve been giving my credit card an extra workout the last couple of days.”

  “Sunny dress signals a sunny outlook,” Rachel said. “I’m glad to see you’re moving past returning Brad’s ring.”

  “Right.” Willow bit her lip. Perhaps she should be reflecting more on the broken engagement. But she’d cried herself out in a few days’ time and burned through righteous anger as well. Maybe she should acknowledge a lingering bad aftertaste in her mouth, but the fact was, the only taste she could recall right now was…

  Cooper’s kiss.

  Trying to hold back her smile, she lifted her glass of wine. “I’m glad you could make it tonight.”

  “You sounded like you wanted to talk and T.J. can handle the kids for an hour or so.”

  “T.J.” Willow toasted Rachel. “You snagged one of the good ones.”

  Rachel nodded. “And there are more good men out there, sweetie, I hope you know that. Brad, well, I wish I could wring his neck, but I can’t believe he’s a bad guy. He clearly wasn’t right for you, that’s all.”

  It was Willow’s turn to nod.

  “But I’m happy to spend our time together trashing him,” Rachel said, leaning over the table and lowering her voice. “It’s part of the process, along with a new dress and new shoes.”

  Oh. Rachel thought Willow had dressed up for a girls’ evening out in order to work through the breakup, when she’d actually set this up in order to show off a little by coming into Fun & Games while Cooper was working. He’d stop by their table of course, and, giddy, she’d planned to share a glance with Rachel, one the other woman would read like words on a page. This guy likes me!

  But now Willow hesitated. Though letting her foster mom know she’d completely fallen for the man was out of the question, maybe Rachel wouldn’t approve of how she’d found herself involved with another—even casually—so quickly.